Explore The BIBLE Everyday To Find Its
True But Often Misunderstood Meaning!
Explore many miracles God sent my way while searching Biblical matters. Miracles to confirm truth on various subjects and to confirm God's perfect law of liberty and truth sets free as Jesus said.
This website share more than 50 special websites created in my ongoing Bible and truth search. The many miracles God sent to teach and encourage certainly were not just for me but are to assist others as well!
earnest dig encouraged and confirmed by many SIGNS & WONDERS.
Digging for truth, love, and life
Although liberties I unearthed by digging for rock bottom, and as confirmed by many unique signs, may seem too good to be true, one must remember Jesus said truth sets free, God's law's make up the perfect law of liberty, and God withholds no good thing from those that walk uprightly. On the other hand man's religions often withhold good things, while man's freedoms too often are freedom to get into trouble.
The below websites share much of my nearly 40 years of earnestly seeking truth on many subjects. And share some of my efforts seeking good inventions for humanity.
Crucial Websites For This Season
All My Websites And Domains In Alphabetical Order
May we seek, find, and share heaven's truth!
BeautyFriendOrFoe.com Shares a crucial video on the subject and much more!
BeautyNotPorn.com Shares an astonishing allegory regarding issues about beauty!
BiblicalSexuality.com Shares many vital articles on the subject.
BreadJesusGave.com Did Jesus give mere grain bread or the meaningful flesh of the Passover lamb?
CallOfFire.com ----- God has warned of fire and spoken through fire!
CruelDrugs.com Discusses the misuse of medical drugs and God natural healing.
ExploreHereEveryDay.com Shares all 50 of my in use websites and domain names links.
ExploreItSoon.com Links to my numerous developments over the years.
GodBeMyRock.com Shares astonishing miracles involving rocks and much more.
HeartsAndLoveRevealed.com Share The Valentines Tree Story
HeavensFingerPrints.com Shares Many Miracles!
HeavensNews.com Shares vital Bible verses with some comments.
JesusSaveUs.com Shares many amazing issues.
LiftUpThePoor.com My original earth toilet humanitarian project
LostSexEd.com Shares vital videos and much more!
OpenEyesNow.com Links to video - Dana Coverstones Warning Dream
PleaseExamineIt.com Links to video - Torben Sondergaard's Warning To America
PleaseExploreIt.com Links to my DIY earth toilet system
PleaseHearIt.com Links to video - Part One Sermon Of The Valentines Whale
PleaseHeedIt.com Links to video - Part two Sermon Of The Valentines Whale
PleaseReadThem.com A Site With Numerous Vital Documents 2022
PleaseSeeThem.com A Site Sharing Special Photos And Pages
PleaseStudyIt.com Links to video - Mystery of the Jungle Whale Video
www.PleaseTellIt.com Links to video of Torben Sondergaard further warning.
PleaseViewIt.com Links to BeautyNotPorn.com - A most vital allegory!
PleaseWatchIt.com Links to video - Vital 11 Minute Heart Tree Video
PleaseWatchThem.com A Site With Numerous Vital Videos 2022
ReachForTruth.com Links To "God And Religion What’s It All About" Article
ReachingForTruth.com Links to video - Get Worked Up! For Truth!
TeachMeGod.com My first website with an abundance of articles.
ToiletToilet.com My earth and water saving flush toilet systems
UprightAndFallingTrees.com Shares numerous tree miracles with a messages.
Those who find the truth certainly have a good story to tell the nations. Actually the word Gospel means good news. Nevertheless too often religions teach a gospel of bitter news.
A Story To Tell To The Nations (A Song)
The Author
The miracles that God has done on my behalf are astounding. The only other thing that is almost as astounding is how people can turn such a blind eye.
Although many may think that researchers and INVENTORS who dig beyond tradition for unique design and solid truth would be honored, the opposite is often true. An old book titled, “The Bitter Bitter Cry Of The Outcast Inventor” makes that very clear. Too often people are to proud to admit a better way or error so they just keep right on in their faulty and inferior ways, while trying to convince themselves that what is highly esteemed among men and following the crowd is the right way. Such often with closed minds and eyes, but big mouths, continue on in their old ways as God showed in this amazing image He painted. Therewith the Serpent and man's pride have both deprived humanity of God's good plan for mankind, as well many good inventions, and further many therewith will also miss eternal life. And yes these convince themselves that it is always others that need instruction and to change, as they consider themselves rich and increased with good and having need of nothing, but don't know they are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked in God's eyes (Rev 3:17).
Too Many
Have Closed Minds And Eyes But A Big Mouth To Defend The Commandments And Religions Of Men!
Note, if we have used any copyrighted material please contact and we will remove.
Note the photos included on this website or any of my sites certainly do not mean those shown know of or are involved with what the author is promoting.
Contact address AmosBender@yahoo.com
Somehow It Just Worked Out To Finish And Publish This Page, Touting
Many Meaningful Miracles Regarding Valentines Issues, On FATHER'S DAY (2021).
Yes God cares about Fathers and Valentine issues. And may we on FATHER'S DAY and always seek what our HEAVENLY FATHER is saying with His many signs and wonders regarding Valentines issues and much more. The Valentines cookies spoken of on this page were carefully packaged to share miracles having a blazing message about Valentines issues, and now are also uniquely marked by fire, and likely for various reasons. And may God help us understand why He stopped and marked these multi miracle sharing Valentines cookies with fire, and help us to grasp all His amazing signs! Interestingly the fire resulted in the Valentines Cookies being made the next day being a unique Mother's Day. God cares about Valentines and Fathers and Mothers. See www.CallOfFire.com for more!
A Unique Rock With A Serpent Or Dragon And And Eagle's Beak.
Images As In The Valentines Tree.
And Found July 4th A Day That Points To The Eagle Born That Day (1776 ).